Monthly Archives: May, 2012


For Thoreau the action of the man while it has asked for of the social break-head must be molded by the concincia, not for the law. It is in the choice between motivating its acts for the conscience or respectively molding them for the law that the man decides itself for the disobedience or the […]

Performance Evaluation

Many have the dream of the public job, a steady job and with exemptions. But the truth is that in many schools of public net, this dream for some people can come if become an authentic nightmare. Schools where the favoritism predominates, dificulmente somebody that recently enters for the function will be dealt with the […]

Electronic Proclamation

The workmanship searchs to guide in practical way the operating professionals in the universe them public licitations that, for times, find difficulties in the application of the legislation. Beyond the commentaries to the Law of the Actual Proclamation (Law 10,520/02) and to Federal decree of the Electronic Proclamation (Decree 5,450/05), the workmanship still brings citations […]

Eva Golinger

Such point has a fundamental importance in the political context world-wide present when the imperial powers impose the deceit to the public opinion (scheme characteristic of the new war, call of fourth generation) to make possible interventions on countries or strategic areas of the planet. If a country has strategic interest in attention to its […]

Work Conditions

But the work is more, is force, time ehabilidade that if it wins to get conditions to live, to dress, to eat. As seisso was not enough, the work in them points out in the social hierarchy of values, visible in the social prestige of some professions front to others (egaris doctors, lawyers and borracheiros). […]


This we do not want. (Teacher 2) In accordance with the reflection of the teachers, the educator ideal would be that compromissado with the integral development of its learning, and to be educator it is necessary to go beyond the wage, because to think only about the money it does not compensate, is necessary commitment, […]

Civil Society Research

DEVELOPED ARTICLE MINUSIOSAMENTE THE APARTIR OF COLLECTION OF DATA LIVED DEEPLY FOR THE TEAM. Person who orientates: Prof Msc. Maria Jose Teles Coutinho Elainne Blacksmith Barbosa Saints 1 Mnica Valria of the Birth Flix 2 Rayane de Oliveira Brito 3 SUMMARY the research object of this article focuses the process of construction of the knowledge […]


In the economic environment contemporary or any another one of the past, the subject inflation always is in guideline. This occurs, therefore when the governments are come across with this problem it is impressive the magnitude that the consequences of the governmental actions take, since these probably will indicate the route of the economy for […]

Exchange Politics: Optimum Economic Model

1.INTRODUO Is usually that when aiming at the development of the nation, occurs on the part of the countries the adoption of a economic model that is adequado reality politician-financier of the state. Some specialists in econmicapoltica recommend the model of substitution of the importations; however, others see the model exporting as better choice the […]

Population And Governing

To as many families passing I suffocate, in parents where to as much wealth! The inaquality that exists, in our country, is on the table of many people, that does not have what to eat, is on that child, umilde and innocent, who instead of being, playing, studying and living a child life, is busy, […]