Monthly Archives: April, 2014
Spaniards Afghanistan
Thirteen have died in armed attacks, 79 in plane crashes, two in traffic accidents and two by natural causes. Afghanistan is the mission that more lives has cost to Spain, after the one of Bosnia-Herzegovina, with 23 losses. A total of 96 Spaniards (the 93 military, two Civil Guards and a translator) has died in […]
In the beautiful alencarina capital it had and still it has a called club ' ' Country Club of the Cear' ' , that he continues located the same in address, to the avenue Baron of Studart with street Barros Coast. Yes. It was and is also a club agradabilssimo, but he is not of […]
By Esteban Salazar Herrera when I see a country like Mexico and think in their next 10 or 20 years, I know that you’re going to be one of the great powers. But how to leverage that opportunity in this changing world?, questioned Tony blair, former Prime Minister of Great Britain, during his visit the […]
Latin America
The use of teas (infusion and/or decoction), of cool plants and/or dries, is seen by some researchers of the area of errnea form, therefore they are prepared in time that each user knows, however, through this work, he is tried to give these clarifications how much you practise to them inherited and on great scientific […]
Ribaldry can not put them in a row, otherwise we remove the problem, especially because "everything else", even repetitive words needed a speaker as the rhythm of everyday speech that has no drafts. However, this is a separate issue stati.Mif "So, as the Russian, no one complains!" does not help eliminate or at least reduce […]