Monthly Archives: April, 2017
Web Entrepreneurship
For people who have little use of advanced technologies: You can answer surveys from the comfort of your home. Since there are companies dedicated to pay directly only to answer the surveys. 2. Monetizing blogs with advertising. A cheap way to make money from home is to create a blog and monetize it through advertising. […]
Network Marketing
In my blog di the opportunity to send me articles and I published in, East was written by my friend Ismael Franco: after reading this article, you will know more about the Klob company, their characteristics and their handling, in addition to discover if it is for you it is good business, seen from the […]
Pro Rescue Organizations
In all countries, in some more than others, there are organizations responsible for or directed toward the rescue and protection of nature, whether public or the state, and private ; propose maintain and promote consciousness-raising campaigns are necessary, but limited in scope, despite their achievements and areas created to protect fauna and flora. It’s almost […]
Professional Procedure
Banglodeshets frightened and gave $ 300 and a few thousand rubles, and the rest banglodeshtsy all seen it, but too scared and called the police. The testimony of all six have been recorded due very carefully, with an indication of the many details then banglodeshtsy gone away from sin, moved to another place and not […]
United States
Israel is armed, nuclear weapon; Few would dare to deny it as a fact, even if nobody available open evidence. Thing as well as the wind that is there and not see it, but is there. It is a logic based on certain doctrines of military invincibility and superiority which rationalizes the defense and power […]
Justice, Memory, and Popularity
Rodrigo Lara introduced me to Galan, precisely in the Barrio Jose Antonio Galan in Neiva, in a public rally organized by great popular leaders of the era as the Black Pine, Marcelo Padilla and Eduardo “El Ronco” Alvarez. At that time gathered in a dusty streets, about five hundred people eager to hear the two […]
The Contributions Of Euripides
Right in the XXI century Euripides and we still stop in the past, evoking the contributions have left us who were able to exploit their opportunity in life and gave us lessons, which lead to have them in mind. As is the case of the Greek Euripides, who said as a was a Greek […]
North Caucasus
Therefore, when in Russia say their victories – in Georgia or anywhere else, you do not remember, but maybe do not know that until "conquered" people will not head arranged in the same way as in Russian man (or woman), no victory is nowhere to be seen the Russian state. It can only temporarily hold […]
2) The procedural IMPlus engaged stakeholders, not the judge. 3) The accused or defendant who knows from the start and that is accused or demand. 4) The parties know who is the judge. 5) The process is public, which automatically removes posibilidads of torment. For the author the inquisitorial system is characterized by the following: […]
Subjective Right
The individual mentality is of a supreme importance for the formation of the reality why it is through it that will be formed the perspective, being the perspective that will around form the reality of the individual. A good example is in the Subjective Right, the will of an individual in activating its Objective Right. […]