Tag Archives: culture

Independent National University

Before this, Carlos Silveyra, General Undersecretary of the government, indicated that Mexican Ejercito will return to patrol the streets of Jurez, that each day they receive more deads. A Spanish reporter, Judith Torrea, that was ventured to desolate the Jurez City tells to the daily life of that one large city by means of his […]

Globedia News

" The Tree of the Vida" It builds to the oil of Alberto Thirion? Globedia – the News by Alberto Thirion, more recent. Alberto Thirion; Free artist of Art and Publicity? Art and Articles by Alberto Thirion? The most famous Artist of Mexico/Artist More Mexico Famous, As all we know this is the era of […]

Siberia Civilization

In deep crisis again, as it was in the 2nd half of XIX century. and in the 20s of XX century., discussion broke out about Russia's place in world civilization process. It is generally accepted division of the local civilizations into two main types: Western, historical roots – in antiquity, Christianity, individualism and democratic traditions, […]

Modern Literary Portals

To a start of something creative in poetry or prose, it is necessary to explore the opportunities. Accessible place to start is published in the literary internet portals, such as cottage-Reading Room, Litprichal, Stihi.ru, Litzona, Element, sieve, Lito.ru, mound, Cha and others. All these can be found on the Internet search engine, driving a site […]

Siberia Civilization

In deep crisis again, as it was in the 2nd half of XIX century. and in the 20s of XX century., discussion broke out about Russia's place in world civilization process. It is generally accepted division of the local civilizations into two main types: Western, historical roots – in antiquity, Christianity, individualism and democratic traditions, […]

Settlement Klimovo

The settlement is the administrative center Klimovo Klimovsk area. The village is situated on the south-west of Bryansk region, has a unique, three hundred (2008) history. Klimov for his 'life' was a Starodub regiment Novgorod-Seversky Viceroyalty in the Chernihiv province, Gomel Province, Orel region. As part of the Bryansk region village is from 1944. Klimov, […]