Tag Archives: right


Economic dynamics and production of the wholesale urban space of Empress-HARM: a reflection through the wholesale trading in the quarter ORIENTING small market: Davison of the Birth TO SOUND, Willians Muller Alves Summary. The present research searchs to relate the paper of the economy for the transformation of the space as well as in such […]

New Politics

Such gear if reproduces in conditions of marginality, the almost absolute absence of labor laws and in the purchase of merchandises on the part of the intermediate and the plants in informal way. To use words of Hart (2005), the catadores appear as stakeholders of ' franja' in the field of the industry of reciclagem' […]

War Person

At the time where dog with linguia landed on water, in Mantenpolis, my native land, it had a called lawyer Marluce doctor. It inhabited in Victory, but always she was defending somebody in our environs. Also the cousin of my father militated with the right, of Afenir name War, that functioned as easily-signed attorney. Later […]

Inclusive Education

They are common cases of professors as of the teacher Ana Keilla who already more than received in its classroom a pupil with deficiency or global upheaval from the development and if feel alone and without support, resources or formation to execute a good work. ' ' I can receive pupils ' deficientes' legally supported, […]

Civil Society Research

DEVELOPED ARTICLE MINUSIOSAMENTE THE APARTIR OF COLLECTION OF DATA LIVED DEEPLY FOR THE TEAM. Person who orientates: Prof Msc. Maria Jose Teles Coutinho Elainne Blacksmith Barbosa Saints 1 Mnica Valria of the Birth Flix 2 Rayane de Oliveira Brito 3 SUMMARY the research object of this article focuses the process of construction of the knowledge […]