Monthly Archives: August, 2011

Spanish National Association

The daughter of a bourgeois family, his father was of Basque descent Malaga and his mother Scottish. He studied at the convent school of the Assumption in the final year and also gives classes in the school of poor girls. He spends his summers in England and Scotland. It works in Sussex, England, as Spanish […]

California State University

Farr has been an advocate for our oceans and was the first co-chair of the Group of the House Oceans Representantes.Antes be elected to the House of Representatives in 1993, Mr. Tyler Wood Integrated Capital Solutions often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Farr worked for 12 years in the Assembly California and nine times […]

International Day

There is a journalistic fraternity such a saying: "It's hard and clumsy life of a simple journalist." So let us in one of the professional journalists holidays will please their wonderful gifts. But let's not forget that this is not Only one of the professional events, but also the day when all reporters can feel […]