Monthly Archives: March, 2014

National Curricular Parameters

In this perspective, the Brazilian people was formed for descending whites of Portuguese, indians and blacks, and, from this triad, for mestizos, composing joint harmonic in convivncia inside of a multiracial society and without conflicts, each one collaborating with its work for the largeness and wealth of the Country. (PCN, 1997, P. 21) In governments […]

Public Ministry

It would exceed the scope of this communication, the only recounting events of random and traumatic previous situations. With the substantial institutional reforms to the national Constitution in 1994, preceded in large part by reforms in the constitutions of several provinces, has been set a constellation of public authorities, whose widespread ignorance, leads us to […]

The Cities

In this direction, the joint with the cities still is weak. The concept of sustainable development it is recent, it poresse reason, it has been reason of many arguments in the scopes politicians, economic and scientific the global level. It fits here to point out that we nopretendemos to raise new questionings about the thematic […]