Monthly Archives: May, 2017

Said Roberto

“Yes, in the windows, again expressed Benito, assuming the air of a teacher when going to the most important explanation of his life. The official windows where we always have said things like “Come on then,” “we can not serve you”, “the person who can solve your case is on leave and will return next […]

Management, Efficiency And Implementation Of Strategies

The ideology and politics can enhance the effectiveness of an organization or undermine it. The ideology infused in other settings can be a revitalizing force, strengthening the organization and making their people more responsible. Henrry Mintzberg (1991) Management to adequately perform the functions required to the present time, needs to be efficient, creative, innovative, able […]

Violence Begets Violence

So easy. In the same way that violence begets violence, so does the fear begets fear. We all know that China is an economic giant that runs on a platform irreversible and continuing upward. The people of the PRC are on 1.3 million million people, many I would say: they work, think, feel and suffer […]

Professional Law Civil

This situation must change, teachers and those should come out as stated Mariategui, however, mostly do not or is not done regularly since the authorities with those people, entering through a conspiracy. Therefore, we are the students who we must stand up and say no goes, so enough of mediocrity and corruption!, Because all are […]

New Code Of Professional Procedure: Experience Trujillo – Peru

NEW Professional PROCEDURE CODE: EXPERIENCE By: Hugo Muller – Colonel PNP (R) – Attorney The April 1, 2007, starts the new Code of Professional Procedure. Suddenly, the PNP finds them facing a new model of professional procedure that changes the whole conception doctrinal, political, social and professional that was in force since the second half […]