Monthly Archives: February, 2018
Benderov Ideas
INTERNET – Bender abroad are still wondering about the wide popularity in Russia book hero – Ostap Bender. That’s a crook, an adventurer, grumbling uzkomyslyaschie Western citizens. And in Russia, admired, and, oh, horror! Taken as an example! What’s the matter, gentlemen? Why we love at home so negative characters? Girls – teens look with […]
Plaster Stucco Moldings
If you want to convert your cottage or room in the palace in a small part of it, then you will decorative moldings. Stucco has always been a symbol of wealth and love of beauty with home owners. Today, many designers do not too favorable to otnosyatyasya stucco. And for good reason. Decorative moldings produces […]
Polish Citizenship
A minor acquires the Polish populations by birth if one of its parents is citizen of a foreign country and the other is citizen Pole. Nevertheless, by declaration sworn before the respective Polish authorities within the three months of birth of the minor, the parents can choose that the minor only owns the foreign citizenship, […]
Antigone Creon
NAPLES: I will take it. AMay excitement! I will be powerful. (See the city at their backs. Read more from novelist to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Proclamation ago with his arms crossed.) Any and all people of this city, avotadme! End of Act I, Act II Scene III (Napoli sitting in […]
Berlin Blockade
The Chinese calendar, known as Peasants – this is a very neat system not only records of past events, but also a tool for prediction. Novelist has compatible beliefs. 2008 Rats on this calendar will be marked by two elements-earth, sitting on the water. Or in other words it is an earth rat year. In […]
Central Asia
"Works" and Iran itself in terms of reducing the dependence of its potential partners from the U.S. and Israel. Take the message of Iranian news agency IRNA on 28 October its intention to Tehran in the near future, a 5-fold increase in the volume of natural gas supplies to Armenia. In exchange for gas supplies […]