Tag Archives: environment
Bach Flowers
We settled more to the vagaries of time and go through adversity better knowing that the line of life is not a straight line. In this pseudo-stirring retire people should stay away from our area and those others who drive come our way. Congressman Lee Zeldin can aid you in your search for knowledge. As […]
The Need to Preserve the Environment
The land is sufficient for all but not for voracious consumers. Mahatma Gandhi’s always interesting and encouraging to see the interest of some countries by the need to preserve a favorable environment for human beings, especially those who live on this continent … to be fully identified with its responsibility for our actions favored by […]
Rivers that also cut reaspantanosas have waters with pH very low, due to presence of matriaorgnica in decomposition, rivers of fen are enclosed in this category (MAIER, 1987). Already the alkalinity was bigger in the month of February in the city deItacar, with the value of 36,2. Although the minimum value of alkalinity to geralmenteocorrer […]
Latin America
The use of teas (infusion and/or decoction), of cool plants and/or dries, is seen by some researchers of the area of errnea form, therefore they are prepared in time that each user knows, however, through this work, he is tried to give these clarifications how much you practise to them inherited and on great scientific […]
The Cities
In this direction, the joint with the cities still is weak. The concept of sustainable development it is recent, it poresse reason, it has been reason of many arguments in the scopes politicians, economic and scientific the global level. It fits here to point out that we nopretendemos to raise new questionings about the thematic […]
Colombian Government
Friday, 23 July of the current year. Jaime is mixing humor with political as usual. He invited Carlos Alvares which already does not imitate anyone. They did a parody of Hugo Chavez in relationship of breaking relations with the Colombian Government. At the end of the parody, Carlos Alvares disguised as Hugo Chavez makes Jaime […]
For Marx
Today, one coexists a desregulada atmosphere of the social, economic life and politics. This atmosphere converges with an atmosphere of rigidity and immobility to the global level of the society. The society presents a behavior where everything seems negotiable and transformvel to the level of the company and the family, the party or the union, […]
The Course
– To consider integrant, dependent and agent transforming of the environment, being identified its elements and interactions, to contribute actively in the improvement of the environment. – To exactly develop the knowledge of itself with reliable feeling in its capacities effective, physics, cognitivas, ethics, personal relation and social insertion, to act with perseverance in the […]
World Wildlife Fund
The system of ambient decisions for consensus of the ONU is depleted. The global heating provoked by the increase of the emissions of effect gases greenhouse (GEE) has that to be contained. The wealth of a necessary country to take in account the value of the natural capital and not yet has a universal index […]