Tag Archives: advertising
Outdoor Advertising
Outdoor advertising pursues us everywhere – on the streets, transport, offices, hotels, public facilities. We absolutely calm her attitude, she has fused with the general landscape of the city, became shares of our mass culture. However, it should be noted, from year to year it becomes more and more colorful, more attractive. Outdoor advertising, especially […]
Art Souvenir
Premium products are especially popular in government agencies, administrative circles, sports, military, and Fire organizations, in the space industry. Sport Facilities and Committees – regular customers of prize medals in gold, silver and bronze, as well as premium sports statuettes for the winners competitions. Military, firefighters and uniformed organizations put emphasis on awards – medals […]
Colombian Government
Friday, 23 July of the current year. Jaime is mixing humor with political as usual. He invited Carlos Alvares which already does not imitate anyone. They did a parody of Hugo Chavez in relationship of breaking relations with the Colombian Government. At the end of the parody, Carlos Alvares disguised as Hugo Chavez makes Jaime […]