Tag Archives: news-present time

Vote Falls Emigrant

Little more than 58,000 resident Spaniards abroad they have been soliciing to vote in the autonomic elections of this Sunday For four years voted near 134,000 emigrants. The greater number of requests for the next elections has arrived from France (11.703), followed country of Cuba (9.128) and Argentina (9.209). Little more than 58,000 resident Spaniards […]

Zulueta Lawyer

When lawyer Arantza Zulueta was stopped in April of 2010, next to the lawyers of the left abertzale Iker Sarriegi and Jon Enparantza, Interior accused to them to be the political commissioners of ETA in the jails, to impose an iron discipline in the group of prisoners, to intervene in the payment of extortions, to […]

Spaniards Afghanistan

Thirteen have died in armed attacks, 79 in plane crashes, two in traffic accidents and two by natural causes. Afghanistan is the mission that more lives has cost to Spain, after the one of Bosnia-Herzegovina, with 23 losses. A total of 96 Spaniards (the 93 military, two Civil Guards and a translator) has died in […]


The subjects that confront inopportunely have bad adjustment, and more in the soccer, that demands instantaneous answers, spontaneous or natural, own of the game. To the fan it likes to argue on the questions of Mourinho, the answers of Guardiola, the sentences of Squares or thanks of I itched, and are afraid of its managers […]