Latin America

The use of teas (infusion and/or decoction), of cool plants and/or dries, is seen by some researchers of the area of errnea form, therefore they are prepared in time that each user knows, however, through this work, he is tried to give these clarifications how much you practise to them inherited and on great scientific importance. on males also irreversible provoked to the organism with preparations of the teas in aluminum canister, therefore its preparation must be in canister of ware or glass and the preparation time that does not have to exceed 6 (six) hours, where loses all metabolic secondary the proceeding one from the plant and that thus action desired in the organism will not occur (ACCORS, 2000). Paper will be tangled for questions as the use of the medicinal plants in history, knowing popular amapaense and the national politics of the medicinal plants and finally approach on knowing popular, classification of medicinal plants for prevention of ‘ ‘ illnesses of mulher’ ‘.

The Fitoterapia, given its capacity to notadamente transform and to print a surplus how much to the partner-politician-economic aspects, a valuable option for all in Latin America consists, notadamente for Brazil. ‘ ‘ Fitoterapia was born with the humanity. Illustrious personages of History can be cited who had contributed to stimulate the Fitoterapia. For example: Hipcrates, illustrious Greek doctor, who advised vegetal medicines, Cho-Chinkei, the father of the Chinese medicine, Avicena, the father of the Arab medicine; Galeno, father of the pharmacy; the Dioscrides’ Roman; ‘ (LION et al., 1993). Old Greece, the doctors believed that the health resulted of a balance of natural forces therefore adopted medicinal plants in its treatments. The Jewish and later Christian societies, for which the illnesses were considered a punishment the holy ghost, also adopted the fitoterapia. In century XVI, the medicine was very different of what it is nowadays.

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