In this perspective, the Brazilian people was formed for descending whites of Portuguese, indians and blacks, and, from this triad, for mestizos, composing joint harmonic in convivncia inside of a multiracial society and without conflicts, each one collaborating with its work for the largeness and wealth of the Country. (PCN, 1997, P. 21) In governments he disciplines the military it of History will gain the format of Social Studies, impregnated in the same line of nationalism/exacerbado right patriotism, where in accordance with the National Curricular Parameters: The consolidation of the Social Studies in substitution History and Geography occurred from Law N. 5,692/71, during the military government. The Social Studies had consisted it the side of Moral Education Civic in beddings of the historical studies, mesclados for centered subjects of Geography in the concentrical circles.
With the substitution for Social Studies the contents of History and Geography had been emptied or diluted, gaining contours ideological of a nationalistic ufanismo destined to justify the national project organized by the implanted military government in the Country from 1964. (1997, P. 24) What we can observes is that throughout the historical process of disciplines of History of Brazil, what predominated was a traditionalistic vision of History, that is, a history seen from questions diplomatical politics and, emphasizing the construction of the figures of the national heroes, having a proud character concerning the Brazilian nation, where the existing disputes and contradictions in the processes partner-descriptions and the participation of its diverse social citizens are not visualized compose that it.