To a start of something creative in poetry or prose, it is necessary to explore the opportunities. Accessible place to start is published in the literary internet portals, such as cottage-Reading Room, Litprichal,, Litzona, Element, sieve,, mound, Cha and others. All these can be found on the Internet search engine, driving a site name. In this article we want to draw attention to the site of "cottage-Reading Room." This is a relatively new literary portal (he went third year), which provides a place free publication the authors of poems or prose. In addition, the most alive part of the site – a forum (a place of communication writers and readers). As with any litportale is always the issue of copyright and plagiarism. On "Izba-Reading 'copyrights in works fixed the laws of the federation.
Literature portal allows to publish virtually any the product (whether it be poetry or prose), allows authors and readers to discuss almost any subject, directly or indirectly related to the literature. And of course, the administration of the site excludes the possibility of publication prohibited by law incitement to ethnic hatred, incitement to violence / war, propaganda of pedophilia, etc. The same portal is trying to deal with foul language that comes from some authors on the forum. "Hut" because of its The authors dubbed the site slogan is "Incoming know, you wait here – freedom of speech and comfort" So dissent is not prosecuted, and sometimes even supported not only by the board administrator, but also the leadership of the site.