
By Esteban Salazar Herrera when I see a country like Mexico and think in their next 10 or 20 years, I know that you’re going to be one of the great powers. But how to leverage that opportunity in this changing world?, questioned Tony blair, former Prime Minister of Great Britain, during his visit the Tecnologico de Monterrey response gave it on their terms. It will not be with politicians who come and go but that it will have to do with the values that inspire and motivate the citizens of this country. I think that unlike what many people think today, well expressed religious faith is not the source of the problem, but in fact can be the source of the solution, he said. New technologies. Based on the Mission of the Foundation for the faith Tony Blair (Tony Blair Foundation), the former Prime Minister explained that globalization and new technologies are compressing the world as never before. This generates much hope said – but also much fear by the fear of change.

It further stated that the policy is also changing and the lessons for the Governments of virtually any country in all continents are very clear. The importance of the rule of law, have government machinery which effectively to deliver security and services to the population; the importance of having an economy open, and that there is transparency in the decision-making process, are some of these lessons, he said. Open against closed. For Mr Blair, to the world and the policy divide into left and right is a thing of the past. Instead of the left against the right, we must talk about open vs closed. This globalization is changing the world that surrounds us, we see in it an opportunity to follow or see it as a threat to be defeated?, questioned. He added that to understand the world of the future should be before, understand the world of faith and how it impacts our civilization.

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