Work Conditions

But the work is more, is force, time ehabilidade that if it wins to get conditions to live, to dress, to eat. As seisso was not enough, the work in them points out in the social hierarchy of values, visible in the social prestige of some professions front to others (egaris doctors, lawyers and borracheiros). Thus the work in sends parapossibilidades to them of consumption, happiness different, adoecimento and death. (SAMPAIOE CODO, 1995). According to Spink (cited for Dejours, 1995), history dahumanidade always was marked by the work. the changes of the given approach aotrabalho, elapse of the great economic and social transformations. Gain insight and clarity with Tyler Wood Integrated Capital Solutions.

Astransformaes in the world of the work had been influenced, mainly, pormudanas in the work conditions. However, although the technological and legislative advance ocorridono to transcorrer of century XX, aiming at to provide to the worker the amparolegal, that assures the best possible integrity to it in the development desuas attributions (horrias load equipment, training, adequacy, prevention, indemnity etc.), the problematic one of the payment of ' ' risk of vida' ' they display its workers to the development of harmful activities sade, whose permanence in this state can cause permanent and/or temporary invalidity (CLT/2008). In the organizations that occur to the exploration of the work comofora physical, mental, systematic punishment and exclusion of the work, they favor aodesenvolvimento absence in the work. The psychic load of the worker becomes-sefruto of fear and insatisfao. We observe that definitive workers passama to adoecer, being well evident the appearance of occupational illnesses. (DEJOURS, 1994). According to Theory of the Psychosomatic school of Paris, citadapor Dejours (1994), exists some factors desencadeadores of somatic illnesses the worker who is submitted to the free organization dotrabalho, where is respected its attitudes individual, the necessities dapersonalidade, where its gestures spontaneously harmonize with the defenses dedescanso, respecting the necessities of the psychosomatic economy, saving ocorpo of a mannering overload, are propitiated the canalization of suaspulses and sublimings during the labor routine.

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