1.INTRODUO Is usually that when aiming at the development of the nation, occurs on the part of the countries the adoption of a economic model that is adequado reality politician-financier of the state. Some specialists in econmicapoltica recommend the model of substitution of the importations; however, others see the model exporting as better choice the emergency of the economy. The following quarrel appears then: Which of the two economic models apresentadosgarante one better resulted? It is exactly this question treated in this article. Through an analysis sucinta of the two economic models presenting deformed clear the consequent advantages and disadvantages of both the polticascambiais, intends comparison after to try to display the best economic policy. 2.DESENVOLVIMENTO First, we go to analyze the model Substitution dasImportaes.Em this model, the country produces merchandises that originally fazemparte of the guideline of importation of the state, that is, does not have a production nacionalde determined way product that these are acquired by means of transaocomercial in the international market. Thus, in this model, it has a process that levaao increase of the internal production in function of the reduction of the importations. The defenders of this model allege that the same he solves odficit of the Rocking of Payment, why diminish the expenses with importation, in this way the national balance starts to be positive and ' ' Cash' ' it increases.
Pormvale to stand out that the national production, come back only toward the market interno quantitatively small harvest of coconuts of the benefits of the economy deproduo on a large scale not making with that the costs if become elevadosdo well more that the produced ones in the exterior. Another apparent advantage of this system is the guarantee of a mercadocativo (of the proper country) that it benefits the three economic agents. Produoj finds destination certain, what he is excellent for the enterprise classroom and melhorainda for the proletariat, therefore the production generates jobs contributing with oestado that it starts to collect more taxes.