The workmanship searchs to guide in practical way the operating professionals in the universe them public licitations that, for times, find difficulties in the application of the legislation. Beyond the commentaries to the Law of the Actual Proclamation (Law 10,520/02) and to Federal decree of the Electronic Proclamation (Decree 5,450/05), the workmanship still brings citations of the regulations of the biggest buying States of the country, comparing them with the federal legislation, enriching the study of the Proclamation and guiding the professional in the accomplishment and participation of the dispute sessions. Of that way we must delimit the Public licitation in the municipal executive. *H influences politics in relation the frauds in the licitatrios processes in the public institutions. *A purpose of the public licitation and the form as and executed in the municipal executive. To analyze the importance of the licitatrios processes, in the direct administration in the act of contract of the Public Services as form to fight the frauds in the minicipal executive. * To give clarity in the advantages of the licitatrios processes. * To describe the characteristics of a licitatrio proclamation.
to *Identificar the types of more constant frauds in the process of licitation of public institution. The present work has objective, to approach the analysis of the licitatrio process, as tool I begin of it constitutional of the isonomy (to give to equal treatment to all the interests, and condition essential to guarantee the phases of the licitation) and to assure equal chance to all the interested parties and to make possible the attendance of the equal competition before the public institutions. The related research objtivou to point the main difficulties faced for the municipal executives supplies cited, that impidia to participate of the Public licitation municipal. On the basis of the particularitities the licitation are not made periodically, and as this work is so important paraa Public administration.