Currently we are part of the group of study of the Program of Support to Ensino and the Scientific and Technological Research in Integrated Professional Education to the Education of Young Adult? PROEJA/CAPES/SETEC, with periodic meetings to argue and to tell our experiences. REFLECTING ON the PROCESS OF EDUCATION AND LEARNING When returning to the school, young the adult, in its great majority, they bring I obtain the stigma apprehended in the social relations and of the common sense that the learning of the Mathematics is something not very attractive. According to Bail (2002, P. 84) in this phase of the pertaining to school life, ' ' an education methodology becomes necessary that from there prioritizes the analysis of situations of the activity of work of the pupils extracting slight knowledge, ideas and principles of the mathematical knowledge escolares' '. Then, we need to reflect on who is our pupil to search alternative it helps that it to know the concepts mathematical surround that it.
We leave then for the search of answers to the question that we judge essential to take care of to the interests of this public: Which metodolgicas strategies must be used to make possible the integration between the mathematical content pertaining to school and the experiences of these pupils? D? Ambrosio (2005, P. 63) speaks of the necessity of that it has ' ' the recognition of the subordination of the contents programmarians to the cultural diversity. … learning is implicit to the development of new metodologias' '. We perceive the necessity of an education proposal that is developed with diversified methodologies that treat the contents to be presented the pupils of contextualizada form. It is necessary, according to Carraher and Carraher (2006, P. 12) ' ' the use of knowledge of practical life, referring to its experience in the work and the community of which they make parte' '.