Made us review allows outline sketch of the effective use of the airship to carry commercial freight. In this case, we consciously put aside which have become quite familiar applications of airships – passenger and tourist traffic, the implementation of research and Earth observation in applications, military, police and other special applications. The first of the possible applications – ctg project transportation, especially at long distances from their places of prefabricated or initial installation. The most promising will be the airship in remote areas of the country with low transport availability. The reason is not only highly economical airship. But that excludes the intermediate handling, such as from a ship on the river, and engineering work to strengthen and expensive bridges. Also on the site Delivery airship is able to execute and assembly work.
Because transportation ctg are not regular, then the organization of a large cargo airship can tramp on the scheme, including on international routes. For such cargo operations does not require high speed, but need transportation over long distances. The airship is right for them far better than any other vehicle. The second possible directions of use of cargo airship – its inclusion as part of a comprehensive system for optimizing the organization of transport of the latter. When you work as part of an integrated transport system can be cost-effective use of even the average size of the airship with a lifting capacity of 20-30 tons capacity, so to speak, shunting means. One of the problems in transportation, which can be at least partially resolved the use of airships – return of empty containers, if they do not back load. For example, in the delivery of high-tech goods in containers in areas with predominantly production of commodities – ores, timber, fertilizers, and so on.
Use the airship is not so costly as to drive the “air” car or train. The more that do not need to take additional ballast. Most likely, a cargo airship xxi century. would not have cigar-shape of the classic Zeppelin. The most promising may be the hybrid forms – compound helicopter rotor and aerodynamic maintenance of aircraft with helium baloney. Including vehicles quite unconventional form – disk-or torus-like. In October 2005 the U.S. Congress approved a program to build the airship project walrus hula (Hybrid Ultra Large Aircraft). His goal – providing transportation for U.S. military forces. True, most recently, the Americans on this project seems to be abandoned. Although the financial capabilities of the Russian developers and builders are not comparable with the U.S., we have already created Airship DPD-5000. Its length is about 127 meters and he is able to carry payloads of over 15 tons.