
Often, citizens of the summer move from their apartments to the country. The reason is very simple. The purified air is very natural need for human breathing. Gardening assistants are excellent in providing the whole family essential vitamins. Also in the country there are many interesting varieties of the time. Some are partial to fishing. Others collect mushrooms.

Even the usual forest walk is a lot of good. So what mean suburban villa, garden and orchard for the average person? Attempt to examine this topic. Our cottage, most often consists of three main parts – the living quarters, an orchard and vegetable garden for vegetables and berries. Of course, this division is very conditional. Nowadays, rural cottage can contain the latest objects of the landscape, such as a pool for swimming and man-made pond.

Exotic fruits and vegetables are not rare. As a rule, any well-kept cottage can be meet wonderful lawns with flowers. In this article, we will lead the story about the most popular vegetable garden crops and fruit garden. Any garden is represented by such mouth-watering vegetables like cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and cabbage. Certainly, in the garden there are carrots, onions, beets, garlic and juicy radish. A large area in the country has an orchard. The garden is easy to meet a variety of shrubs and trees, for example – and a cherry cherry, apple and pear, currants and gooseberries, plums and raspberries. Country cottage can not be without the ripe berries. Chief among them luscious strawberries. For her select the most fertile land. In different climatic regions already are raising watermelons and cantaloupes. The most popular raznosortny grapes. As already mentioned, active recreation in the village cottage is very diverse. In this case, it is not rarely becomes fully accessible at different times. In this case, much will depend on partnerships of truckers and other interested parties. When electricity is fed year-round, and the entrance ways clear of snow, then provided an excellent opportunity to rest during the winter. First of all, all the children appreciate it. This endless sleighing, skating and skiing. This is a different game for children and adults. Many who met at the cottage New Year's Eve near a green tree in the garden. In short, the peasant cottage, orchard and vegetable garden for so many citizens are becoming an important part of life.

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