
The serenity is not safe from the storm, but find peace in the midst of her. Thomas a Kempis. General, scope to the extent that we are concerned about us, go to cultivate confidence in oneself, giving way to manifest security in our actions, behavior, in everything where we interrelacionamos, serenity will be given, guaranteeing our balance and thus to deal with the evidence presented to us. It is known that literally serenity, means tranquility, silence, stability, solemnity, familiarity, tranquility, serenity is the opposite of lightness, uneasiness, doubt or indecision.This value teaches us to keep calm in the midst of our occupations and problems, showing us cordial and friendly with others since then, the present tense expresses scenarios often complicated that undermine our serenity, and more facts that sometimes arise for various reasons of our own live, many times product of the insecurity that is increasingly, as in the case Venezuela, where political, economic instability coupled with the behaviour of a particular and geekish sector of people, given his performances also spend to kidnappings, homicides, robberies, disturbances which have even reached end perceive that no sight monitoring by organizations, such as that of the police, leading to such facts occur constantly and significantly affect the serenity of Venezuelans, in his behavior giving way to fear, fear appears, certainly affecting health and often causing problems with serious psychological repercussions. Concerning the relevance, scope and importance of cultivating serenity, the role that this represents, reminds us, that this value teaches us to keep calm in the midst of our occupations and problems, showing us cordial and friendly with others. The value of the serenity makes us keep calm and restful mood even in the circumstances adverse, i.e. without exalt himself or become depressed, finding solutions through a reflection carefully and carefully, without magnify or minimize the problems.When difficulties beset us easily can fall into despair, we feel sad, irritable, desganados and many times in a dead-end.

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