I.e., companies have an obligation to cooperate among themselves for the correct application of the rules on prevention, stressed Marta Checa. Protected workers what on the other hand wants Czech lawyers make clear is that law also protects a worker from a company subcontractor suffered an accident to another which is a main company. The worker has the right to ensure their health and safety, and therefore, if the accident occurred due to the lack or deficiency of any security measure, may request a compensation for civil liability for damages which resarza you moral and patrimonial damage who is responsible, and can be your company and/or the company acting as a prime contractor. In explaining If it is more difficult to apply the law of prevention of occupational hazards when several companies are involved and each one works without control by the main employer, Marta Checa ensures that this has a series of obligations of oversight which do not comply with them can respond. It is obliged to supervise and ensure compliance with all safety regulations and health for each and every worker, of your template and to those who belong to other subcontractors, so do not be liable, being obliged to compensate if it happens by such causes an accident at work. Finally Marta Checa clears these two questions: 1.
how acts of labour inspection in these assumptions? Investigating that type of contractual relations exist between each of the companies to determine which acts as main employer, prime contractor and subcontractor, and checks to see if each of them has complied with the rules on prevention of occupational risks, as well as if there has been a proper system of coordination between them for compliance with the security measures. Derive breach in these aspects, it will determine which of these companies is responsible for, and may be one, several or all of them, in which case rise act with the corresponding economic sanction, as well as the proposal for a surcharge of the Social Security in favour of the injured worker benefits, says Czech lawyers. 2 With so many companies working at the same time in a work, how can you watch will comply with the regulations for prevention of risks? Firstly, the promoter of the work shall designate a coordinator for safety and health dealing during the execution of this, precisely coordinate compliance with risk prevention, by adopting a Security Plan for this. Secondly, all and each one of the companies that intervene, are main contractors, subcontractors or even self-employed shall be bound to the correct implementation of the preventive measures laid down. In the event of a breach, of an accident labour is liable the victim who may claim up to obtain a full compensation for their damages, concludes Marta Checa, Director of Czech lawyers.