Another possibility sera of comparing the Peruvian law with the foreign doctrine, or the Peruvian mercantile law with the foreign mercantile doctrine, among others possibilities. 19. COMPARISON BETWEEN DIFFERENT SOURCES FROM the RIGHT OF a SAME STATE can be compared different sources from the right of a same state, for example when the doctrine with the custom is compared both Peruvians, or the Argentine legislation with the Argentine doctrine, among others possibilities. That is to say, this comparison slo is with respect to sources of the right of a same state. 20.
COMPARISON BETWEEN DIFFERENT SOURCES FROM THE RIGHT OF DIFFERENT STATES Tambin can be compared different sources from the right of different states, for example when it is compared between the Argentine doctrine with the Peruvian custom, or the Peruvian law with the Spanish doctrine, or between the Spanish law with the French doctrine and the Italian custom, among others supposed. 21. THREE GREAT BRANCHES OF the COMPARED RIGHT the right has three branches that are the following: 1) Straight prevailed. 2) Straight pblico. 3) Straight social. For that reason the three great branches of the compared right are the following: 1) Straight prevailed compared. 2) Straight pblico compared.
3) Straight social compared. Considering that the compared right is developed little, this divisin or clasificacin of the same is spread little. 22. ANOTHER DIVISION OF the COMPARED RIGHT the compared right has another one divisin by which it is divided to the same of the following way: 1) Introduction to the compared right or divides general of the compared right. 2) Branches of the compared right. This divisin of the right is spread little, we studied thus it and we hoped that it is well-known by all the lawyers and students of right. 23. STRAIGHT CIVIL COMPARED the civil right comn within the private right is the right. The compared civil right is the branch of the compared right that studies the comparisons, receptions, microcomparisons, macrocomparisons, transplants, uniformizaciones,