They draw attention for their versatility and the complexity of devising mechanisms that will reduce emissions, which are set forth in the United Nations Convention on Climate Change 1992. So-called “carbon credits”, and technologies for “carbon sequestration” in the depths of the earth or under frozen lakes. It is clear that the rate at reducing or eliminating dioxide emissions are limited by what Jacinto Benavente, tagged as “The vested interests.” It is clear that these “vested interests” are those who give the tone to government documents, there is no limitation to environmentalists.
It is noted in the difficulty of enforcing the goals established by the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to the Convention on Climate Change said. Contact information is here: Michele Mansilla. But note that these emissions above that influence life on the planet are of anthropogenic origin. It occurs to us right, is deeper meaning. While some argue that the root of the problem is in the very foundations of the so-called “Western civilization” has more fans the current of opinion that the problem stems from the intensive use of oil was made from the English industrial revolution and was intensified with the use of generalized claim of hydrocarbons to produce and mobilizing vehicles, plastics and appliances. Includes and and traveling along the path of the profile, in the case of transport vehicles stigmatized automotive, and particularly the use of private cars as the vehicle was imposed on other means of more efficient use of oil or they could use other energy sources, and is shown as an indicator of the magnitude of the emissions to six hundred (600) million automotive world by dispersing carbon dioxide in its operation.