Brazilian Theoretical

Brazil, Strong State Versus Neoliberalismo in Check Adilson Boell 1 Expensive reader, to understand the Real meant of the financial and real estate crisis in the United States well and which the effect of this crisis on the form of if thinking the development, is necessary first to understand that types of theoretical sources are in same quarrel and being adopted as model of development of the World-wide economy. In times of Neoliberalismo, theoretical source that if supports on the idea force of that the market is auto-regulable, that is, how much lesser you influence they will be them external on it, bigger it will be its development. In this model the state must be worried about the questions of lesser importance and not intervene with the market politics. The less interference, blockades and barriers, the more exempt will be ' ' invisible hand of mercado' ' , more possibilities for will have so dreamed development of the nations. In the attempt to understand as it occurs, and which factors influence the development, had been developed some theoretical conceptions, that in turn had been unfolded in diverse analytical sources. Thick way, the main conceptions or ' ' Clssicas&#039 theories; '.

The first theoretical sources that if knowledge has (at least in the knowledge of the author of this article) had been ' ' Espaciais' ' , and it has as its precursors Tner (1826) and Alonso (1964); its analytical axle turns on the value of the land and costs of transport. Another important theoretical source is of ' ' Econmico&#039 growth; '. Marshall (1891) was the precursor of this source, its theory, called Marshallianos districts, searched to explain the reasons of the territorial concentration of the productive activities, having for base, beyond the economic aspects, the sociocultural dynamics of the regions. This theoretical source has in Keynes (1930/1985) one of its main representative, therefore its controversial theory although the time, recovers breath in the current days, with the north-America crisis (that it placed in check the neoliberal theories of ' ' it exempts mercado' ' one ' ' state mnimo' '). The Keynesiana Theory has as its idea force the exgena intervention in the market saw action and investment of the State.

For Keynes the absence of mechanisms correctors or regulators of ' ' it exempts mercado' ' it would provoke as consequence, the intensification of the interregional inaqualities and the aggravation of the crisis of the capitalism, what it would justify the action of the State, mainly at times of crisis. With the necessity of the intervention on the part of the American government next to its economy, compelling itself carrying through enormous investments consequently to prevent to the quebradeira of banks and the bankruptcy to it of the real estate sector, the neoliberal teses that supported the market freedom had been placed in check. Examples as Brazil, first Country to leave the crisis, due to strong intervention of the state, in social politics and of reinforcement of the Brazilian economy, fortify still more, the present time and the efficiency of the Keynesiana theory, and serve for announce the end of the neoliberalismo and sprouting of the one after-neoliberalismo. 1 Permitted in Mathematics in the UNIASSELVI in Indaial, After graduating Practical Pedagogical Interdisciplinares for the FURB/SAPIENCE in Blumenau and Mestrando in Regional Development, for the University of the Contested one in Canoinhas.

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