Monthly Archives: January, 2013

Archdeacon House

The history of Barcelona begins several thousand years ago. The city’s origins are not entirely clear. The earliest reliable records are from Roman times. The city was founded in the 1st century BC or was known as Barcino. It was a colony of about 5000 inhabitants in the 2nd century A.d., whose strategic position close […]

Apud Dallari

This started to be conducted by the religious values, more necessarily the catholics, who had imposed the dialectic of the x well badly tied with faith, for the ten orders that are followed and respected until today, as: not to kill, not to steal, and others, as the religious norms in the social scope. Later, […]

Imperial Brazil

How much to century XIX, it is a secular clipping that deserves more attention due to the subject that we are dealing with. It was in the Sc. XIX that the culture of the coffee if &#039 made solid helping to form one; ' verdadeira' ' The Brazilian elite. In addition it is a moment […]

The Elites

The pertaining to school expanses, that if verified to count then, were affected by this fight, because it oscillated enters decurrent social necessities of the development of the capitalist relations and entailed fears to the fight of classrooms that if deepened at the same time in linking dialectic with the developed related one, a fight […]

For Marx

Today, one coexists a desregulada atmosphere of the social, economic life and politics. This atmosphere converges with an atmosphere of rigidity and immobility to the global level of the society. The society presents a behavior where everything seems negotiable and transformvel to the level of the company and the family, the party or the union, […]