Russian State Statistics Committee

The causes of divorce in modern Russia article is based legal practitioner in family law, managing partner of the legal agencies 'YurKonsalt' Partner Law Center 'Lawyers and Attorneys in Moscow Moscow' Sorvachevym Anton. In 2007, the Russian State Statistics Committee for every 100 marriages accounted for 54 divorce (now statistics remained the same). And this despite the seemingly socially-oriented policy of our country, ostensibly interested in the preservation of the family. But what happens in real life? From my perspective as a lawyer in family law, it's not that our government declares commitment to family values, but in fact destroys and thoroughly uprooting the roots of which are "cemented" the family in one organism. First of all, no matter how sad it is in ourselves. Statistics on the causes of divorce is as follows (some of the respondents chose multiple reasons): – Alcoholism, drug addiction 51% – Lack of flat 41% – 31% of the spouses themselves – Financial trouble – 29% Relatives 18% – No Children 10% – 8% of long separation – Physical 2% ailments Let us look at the first five points. What unites them? At first glance, nothing. Look closely in my opinion, these items brings the mood of the spouses to the marriage and family relations as comfortable, always happy and serene cohabitation, and when these expectations are not met and there are problems in the face of a grumpy mother-in or financial distress, we should divorce and another quest for a prince (Princess), a white Mercedes, and even simply a passive isolation.

Alcohol and / or addiction of a spouse than practically are not. Often alcoholics and / or addicted people are after marriage, trying to 'relax' and 'rest' from 'extremely severe' family life in modern thesauruses ed. "Encyclopedia" states that marriage is a family – the union of man and woman generating their rights and duties towards each other and to their children. Who says married couples have that family life is primarily a feat, work and mutual obligation? From all sides (from the parents on TV, from friends of popular literature, etc.) being installed, "Try Time will not like it, run away," "Take everything from life" and so on. The only one that is trying to explain – they are representatives of the Orthodox Church, but who are they listen … look at 100 years ago. According to the 1897 census, in 1000 men accounted for a divorced, in 1000 women – two divorced. The actual number of broken homes was, of course, somewhat higher but still less than once every 100-200 than now.

Until 1917, the situation has not changed. I recall that before 1917, Russia was officially a Christian country of the Orthodox faith. And religion is to explain to people how the challenges and sense of family Life was back to happy and are growing strong families. continuation of the original article you can read here:

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