Results Of The Eighth Congress Of Ukrainian IT Directors

Congresses and Fall Meetings of CIOs have traditionally have been among the main annual events of the IT market in Ukraine and lead its origins in 2004 when the first Congress. Was no exception and this year – for the eighth congress Ukrainian IT Directors held on 14 – April 15, in a picturesque corner of the Kiev region – the hotel complex "Zazimya. The main idea of the Congress is always – a productive personal relationship with professionals in the IT market (IT directors IT professionals), sharing experiences, methodological and analytical materials, familiarity with industry-specific solutions for enterprise management. This idea has collected more than 60 members of Congress, including members of the SBI, 'Community Ukrainian IT Directors' CIOs, IT managers and IT staff of enterprises and organizations of Ukraine and abroad, as well as heads and leading specialists from IT companies. The main theme of the Congress, as always, determined by life itself: Business intensively studying to increase their efficiency, which means – learning to leverage their resources.

Minimize investment in IT infrastructure – in fact, today it is this problem more often facing CIOs. How to create these conditions, IT infrastructure without the investment? – This question has become the main theme of the Eighth Congress of Ukrainian IT Directors. Was proposed to open two approaches to solving this problem, which became the subjects of the day: April 14: More efficient use of existing IT infrastructure by improving cooperation between business and IT April 15: Creating ("Capacity") of the IT infrastructure due to consumption of IT as a service (Cloud Technologies, IaS, PaS, SaS …) Opening the congress, Vladimir Buzmakov, Chairman of SBI Asset Community of IT-directors of Ukraine ", proposed to begin his work with the already become a good tradition of community activities – the submission of participants.

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