The monographic work has as pretension to carry through an analysis on the morality and the legality in Kant, its distinctions and also the probability to conciliate both, that is, moral and right. For this, the used main workmanships for reading had been: Recital of the Metaphysics of the Customs (1785), Critical of the Practical Reason (1788), and Metaphysics of the Customs (1797). Immanuel Kant was born the 22 of April of 1724, in the city of konigsberg, the Prssia Occidental person, where it studied, it taught and it lived until its death, the 12 of February of 1804. It descended of a modest family, its mother was a pietista worshipper, its father was a modest correeiro craftsman.
Of 1732 the 1740, frequented the Collegium Fredericianum, where it had classic formation, and later it frequented the University of Konigsberg and later it initiated there, also, its activity of professor. In the University of Konigsberg it taught metaphysics, logic, geography, mathematics and physics. Its life was very organized, methodical sedentary and celibatria. It lived modestly only for education and the writing. Although its fame to exceed the borders of its country Kant never had the desire to know other countries European. E, to say itself concerning the moral and of the right in Kant, must briefly be had the notion that, the world where it lived passed for great changes. It was the call Age of the Lights, marked for the rejection of the ideas and institutions of the past and for the valuation of the man, of its reason and sciences. The interesting one in this, is that with the advent of the Humanismo Renascentista those theological-religious conceptions and all the cosmovises of the great medieval period to the few had started to lose land, giving itself emphasis to the reason. Three preponderant spheres had passed to be supported by the rationality, being they: science, the moral, and the aesthetic one.