A sample of this has the zapatistas. They coined the concept of more down talking about to that social sector where the revolt is born. As well as in years 60 they were the workers nondescribed, the women and the young people driving force of the fights, in Latin America in the neoliberal period was without: without rights, without earth, without work. They were, those that did not have anything what to lose, who were at the top of the deslegitimacin of the model. Who will be the main protagonists during the present crisis, or in most imminent? Here it appears a new subject, since the system has transferred the ways of control outside the traditional spaces of disciplinamiento, as it forms to dominate the territories of the poverty, there where do not arrive the states, neither the parties, nor the unions. These new forms of control, at least in Latin America, are called social plans.
They are inheriting of the policies focused towards the poverty created by the World Bank to resist the disassembling of the beneficient states during the crudest period of the privatizations. Now they have been extended and perfected. They reach to around 100 million people only in Latin America (50 of them in Brazil), that is the nucleus of poorest. managers of those plans are often hundreds of thousands of NGO that know in detail the territories the poverty, which they are often the territories of the resistance. They are the point of the spear of hair states that they look for to disorganize and to prevent social rises and revolts. Therefore, they will be those groups and subject able to neutralize the control that exert the social plans, those that are going to carry out the new ones, necessary and essential adminisering extreme unction to of protest, because, we know well, the crisis does not have economic but political exits.