Jordan River

Let’s see the VERSES and their references: Leviticus 16: 21 part 1: and Aaron will put their hands upon the head of the male alive cabrio, and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, Isaiah 53: 6 part end: more Lord charge em the sin of all of us. Levitical 16: 22 part 1: and that male Cabriolet will bear upon him all their iniquities ISAIAH 53: 11 part 1: you will see the fruit of the dear of your soul, and you will be satisfied; Isaiah 53: 12 final part: having taken the sin of many, and prayed for the transgressive. John 1: 29 final part: Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. Reading these verses from the book of Leviticus, we understand that in this ritual, Aaron was doing the transfer of sin, note that before sacrificing the animal he imposed hands upon him and transferred to ello the sin of the people. And as we come these references carry us the Isaiah 53 that shows us that Jesus took upon himself all our iniquities, was pressed, but not opened his mouth and like lamb, he was taken to the matadoro. In Leviticus 16: 26 says that it will also wash with water your body, the animal was led out of the camp where their meat was washed in water. Worth repeating here a reference already quoted and that is the conclusion of the process of transfer of sins, John 1:29 says: I have here the Lamb of God, which REMOVES the sins of the world. At the time when Jesus approached John next to the Jordan River, I think John the you spotted from afar, and pointing to him I said to everyone that there were: I have here the Lamb of God, which REMOVES the sins of the world.

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