Ecua Constitution

According to the official final data the new Ecuadorian constitution was approved by ample margin. Three of each four registered supported and a 64% of did it to them by Yes, a 28% by and a 8% did not vote null or white. Ecuador was one of the countries that more changed of agent chief executives in the West. Of January of the 2000 to the one of the 2007 this republic it had 11 agent chief executives (including 6 who were part of two different meetings) Today Strap has become the most popular president in that republic since this one initiated 3 decades ago its present democracy. , In addition, it could be the one that more time lasts (then according to the new Magna Carta its management initiated in January 2.007 could culminate in the 2.017). The new constitution has a radical cut although it does not raise expropriations or the socialism. Although the left thinks that this one will help him to grow by all the continent, the triumph of Strap has been by 7 points less than the one than had the constitution that made approve Chvez as soon as it initiated his mandate and it has not been as total they affirmed as it the first soundings. Yes it won in 23 of the 24 provinces but it lost in Napo (bastion ex- president Gutirrez) and in the capital (although not in the province) of Guayas. This last one has caused that Jaime Nebot, Guayaquil mayor, has obtained certain triumph because he will look for to appear like the coalescer of the opposition and the main electoral figure of the American socialcristianismo. Original author and source of the article.

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