The systematic workmanships are three: commentary on the sentences (1254-1256); it disappears against the heathen ones (1258-1264). This if divides in four books; the three first ones deal with accessible truths to the natural reason, and the room, of the faith truths (1267-1273) and disappear theological. The disputed questions understand five written books: on the truth (1256-1259), the power (1256-1262), the evil (1263-1268), the soul (1269-1270), the virtues (1269-1270). The philosophical commentaries mention the workmanships to it of Aristotle, Bocio and of the pseudo-Dionsio. Of Aristotle, Toms commented the workmanships most important: the physics (1265-1270), metaphysics (1265-1270), the ethics (1266), the politics (1268), analytical the posterior ones (1268). DISTINCTION BETWEEN PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY Toms distinguishes the philosophy from the theology in the scope of the purpose and the metodolgico. According to it the theology and the philosophy differ for its purpose, therefore theology in the ones of the access to the necessary truths to the salvation. The philosophy in turn investigates the natural things, Therefore in this aspect the philosophy is independent in relation to the theology.
The philosophy and the theology differ for its respective methods. The philosopher takes off its arguments of the essences of the things, that is, of its proper causes. The theologian, in contrast, part always of the first cause or God. RELATION BETWEEN FAITH AND REASON According to Aquinate the faith and the reason are different ways to know, therefore the reason works with the intrinsic evidence, that is, with what it is clearly for itself. Already the faith leans over with the divine revelation, because it works with everything what it comes from the revelation of God. Exactly that the reason if pledges in studying God, its knowledge if distinguishes from the faith, therefore this part of the proper God, already that one if initiates in creatures until reaching the creator.